Monday 3 September 2012

The Tale of Two Armstrongs

This weekend, as I lay watching news on my LG 3D Smart TV and catching up with events all over the world, two events really stood out. And both shared one thing in common – a rather well known name, Armstrong. It is the tale of two Armstrongs that have faded away – one in a blaze of final glory, the other into possible oblivion.

Lance Armstrong in Tour de France 2004
A few days back I was happily watching Olympics on my LG 3DTV, and celebrating sports in all its magnificence. Yet, a few days later, we get one of the most devastating news for a sports lover. That Lance Armstrong – one of the most loved and revered sportsman of contemporary times – has been held guilty of doping charges, and will lose all his Tour de France titles.

Lance Armstrong always personified immeasurable mental strength, and of course, tremendous physical stamina. How else can you explain his dramatic comeback from testicular cancer that almost killed him, and went on to win one of the most grueling sports events on the earth? Not once or twice, but a whole seven times – before he eventually retired from the sports. As I watch a few of his sports performances on YouTube (courtesy my LG Smart TV), I can only admire his wins – some comprehensive, some come-from-behind.

But to think that his amazing stamina was fueled by performance enhancing drugs is something too painful to consider. I still believe in his version of events, that it can all be explained and he is innocent. For else do you explain the mental toughness that must accompany the physical strength to drive such performance – that cannot come from drugs. However, one thing is sure – Lance Armstrong will simply fade away into pages of sporting history – someone who promised greatness, but fell short of it.

Contrast this to Neil Armstrong, who will always be remembered as the first man to walk on the moon – someone who took a giant leap for the whole mankind. But he remained a very unassuming man to his last moments – eventually even refusing to sign autographs lest they be sold for profits. But if he was respected during his life, he will be revered after his death. The spontaneous outpourings of grief from all corners of world are a fitting tribute to the man, who always believed that his achievement was for the whole mankind, and not for one institution or nation.

Most of us would have watched the grainy videos of his landing – one of the most defining moments of human history. I often wonder at the achievement – the whole of the Apollo 11 aircraft had probably less processing power than my current smartphone – yet they could do it! I often imagine what it would have been to watch these videos had there been HD video cameras available in those times. I , for one, would have loved to watch the landing in 3D on my LG 3D TV. Also, a full HD video in color would have meant that there would be no controversy regarding the landing on moon – which some still regard as fake. I will leave you with a video - watch the historic moment for yourself!


  1. Fascinating story;good products it seem. I already have lg ac and it works great.

    1. I have also used a number of LG products over the years, and I am very happy with the quality and after-sales service of LG.

  2. Agree; different people, different destinies but both this new lg tv can even turn 2D to 3D? feature.

  3. space man better than cyclist...for i love space travel. hope they have your lg 3 d tv in richard branson's commerical shuttle.

  4. i alreday have lg 3d tv; best part are the light weight glasses. 2d to 3d is okay; but real 3d like movies and games are awesome on this tv. Samsung is just crap advertising..

  5. Hi Rajiv,

    Before actually buying a 3D TV, I had indeed compared LG and Samsung 3D TVs. But I could not reconcile myself to the persistent flicker that I got with the active shutter glasses that Samsung uses - I could never use it for longer than 5 mins without getting a headache. This is why the flicker free 3D glasses of LG appealed to me.

  6. Here you are writing a dedicated tribute about Neil Armstrong and Lance Armstrong and on FB I see people writing "RIP Armstrong, you were my favorite cyclist".. I mean how uninformed can people get ?! Inspiring vid as well..
